Bookish Resolutions and Goals
DNF Books If I’m Not Feeling Them
I always feel bad when I DNF a book, what if I’m missing out on some
great stuff later in the book? what if the story picks up and gets exciting? Unfortunately,
this means I almost always suffer through the book even if I’m not enjoying it.
This year I resolve to be more ruthless if I’m reading a book that I’m just not
feeling into, so I can put my time into books that I really want to read.
Read Quality over Quantity
In previous years I have had the habit of picking up smaller novels
to read just to help me reach my Goodreads target or avoiding books longer than
500 pages, as they slow my reading down and when I think about it it’s
absolutely ridiculous. Why avoid a good book just because it’s long and read
shorter books that may bring me less enjoyment all because I need to reach a
Read More Of My Backlog and Less New Releases
My, oh my. My TBR list is ever-growing and so many of the books have
been on there for goodness knows how long. It’s hard when every year more and
more beautiful new releases come out, but this year I’m going to try and read
75% backlog books and 25% new releases.
Finish Some Damn Series
As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, I am chronically guilty
of not finishing series. I either start a series when it’s first released and
then never get to the sequels because I’ve forgotten the detail by the time
they’re released or I just ‘take a break’ from a series and then always plan to
‘get back to it’ but alas never do. This year I’ve joined up a challenge, where
I hope to complete 5-8 series this year.
For Once Complete The Alphabet
Who knew the alphabet could be so damn hard haha. Every year I try and complete the A-Z or Alphabet challenge and not
once have I reached it (the highest I've ever gotten is 18/26 and I've been trying since 2013!)... This year it changes!
Blog Consistently
So last year I started off strong but lost my way about April, and
then completely dropped off the radar. I remember the days when I had a list of
features for everyday of the week that I wanted to do, but in reality it just
hasn’t worked for me. This year I have a very basic goal of 2-3 posts a month.
A wrap-up, A review and a Top Ten Tuesday.
Comment More
While I may not have much time to write and publish posts, it only
takes a short time out of my day to go through and read others posts and write
comments on them. Historically I haven’t been very good at this. Even when I do often read
peoples reviews and posts sometimes I don’t know what to comment about or
feel awkward posting (my social anxiety strikes again). But I realized even a
simple ‘Awesome review’ can make someones day, so I’m definitely going to work
on this.