Sunday, 26 July 2015

TBR Takedown 2.0

So since last month/ this month I have been in a bit of a book slump (which I am slowly coming out of) I've decided to join up the TBR Takedown 2.0 Read-a-thon. It runs from July 25th- 31st, so it will hopefully help me get a few books read in this last week of the month. Meaning I'll actually have something to contribute to my monthly wrap-up for July haha.

So there are 5 challenges for the read-a-thon, and I'm going to try for 3 of them and maybe if I'm lucky a fourth. So below are my books for the challenges, wish me luck.

Friday, 24 July 2015

Feature and Follow/ Blogger Hop

Here’s this week’s question: What is your favorite movie?

Feature & Follow is a blog hop hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. The purpose is to meet new people and gain more followers in the book blogging community.

I tend to gravitate towards movies with music and dancing. It's really hard to pick my absolute favorite. But my top 3 are Moulin Rouge, Dirty Dancing and The Piano, which all have amazing soundtracks to go with them.

Q: Do you use bookmarks?

Most of the time I do. I wish I had some beautiful ones to use (there are some amazing ones in etsy). But I usually just use the ones that come free with my book depository order. I have a whole stack of them, and some of them are actually pretty cute.

Do you want to join in the book blogger hop? More info can be found here @ Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted writer

Thanks for stopping by guys!

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Reading Slumps: Tips and Tricks

So I’ve recently been in a HUGE reading slump. Last month I only read two books, one of which was a graphic novel. Not to mention this month I haven’t read any books. So what is the best way to get out of a reading slump?? Here are some suggestions I’ve encountered around the web, to help myself and any of you get out of a reading slump.

1) Find a new Setting

For me there is nothing like reading in my warm snuggly bed at night. But sometimes a break in the regular schedule and scenery can help. Try reading at the local café with a hot brew, or in a nice secluded place with a beautiful view.

2) Leaving it up to chance

For me part of the problem when being in a reading slump is not being able to choose a book I want to read. So sometimes using a random number generator to pick a book for you off your TBR, is a great way to choose a book that you may not have thought about reading for a long time, but that you were once super keen to read.

3) Don’t think of reading Slumps as a bad Thing

I know we all love books, so when we suddenly aren’t as interested in reading it’s kind of a shock.
But think of it as time which can be spent doing other things you love or have wanted to try. It could be the perfect moment to marathon that new TV series, get crafty, do some baking or join up a new hobby. For me this is definitely the case at the moment. Since I haven’t been reading as much, I have been watching a LOT more telly. But I have also been much more active, going to the gym, ice skating, playing netball and going to trampolining worlds for fun exercise.

4) Switch up the genre

We all have our specific genres that we’ll normally stick to. Whether it be YA, urban fantasy, adult or erotica. Sometimes it’s a good idea to switch it up every once and a while and step out of your comfort zone. While the majority of the time I read YA, I am a fan of Jodi Picoult’s work and at least once a year I’ll read one of her books, which are usually quite emotionally involved but it helps break up the monotony of the same genre.

5) Go back to the favourites

When in doubt, there is nothing like going back to a childhood favourite book and re-reading it. When you’ve already read a book, there is a certain ease to just enjoying the story and not wondering where it goes, and what this characters motive is etc. You can just sit back, in the comfort that you know it’s all going to have a happy ending. 

Overall, be comforted by the thought that you’re more than likely going to go back to reading at some point. It may not be tomorrow, but deep down books are part of your life, and you know you’ll reunite at some point.

If you have any great suggestions for getting out of a reading slump, I would love to here them :)

Photo of girl reading
Photo of baking
Photo of Starbucks and HP

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Mini Review - Magic Burns (Kate Daniels #2)

Magic Burns (Kate Daniels, #2)


Down in Atlanta, tempers – and temperatures – are about to flare…

As a mercenary who cleans up after magic gone wrong, Kate Daniels has seen her share of occupational hazards. Normally, waves of paranormal energy ebb and flow across Atlanta like a tide. But once every seven years, a flare comes, a time when magic runs rampant. Now Kate’s going to have to deal with problems on a much bigger scale: a divine one.

When Kate sets out to retrieve a set of stolen maps for the Pack, Atlanta’s paramilitary clan of shapeshifters, she quickly realizes much more at stake. During a flare, gods and goddesses can manifest – and battle for power. The stolen maps are only the opening gambit in an epic tug-of-war between two gods hoping for rebirth. And if Kate can’t stop the cataclysmic showdown, the city may not survive…                     

My Review 

Ilona Andrews totally blew me away again. Kate Daniels is such an amazingly strong female lead, who takes shit from no one. Despite being a lone wolf, Kate constantly manages to find herself in the centre of trouble surrounded by faithful friends and foes alike joined for the same cause, this time to save the world from an apocalypse. 

I think what I loved most about this book besids the overall plot was the development of Kate and Currans relationship. It's one of those love-hate deals, where they're both fighting for the upper hand, but also manage to support and be there for each other in times of desperation...and the teasing...don't even get me started. Curran knows how to make a girl weak in the knees. 

'A slow, lazy carnivorous smile touched Curran's lips. "Not only will you sleep with me, but you will say 'please'". 
I stared at him shocked.
The smile widened. "You will say 'please' before and 'thank-you' after".
- Ilona Andrews (Magic Burns)

Even though it is marketed as adult, there isn’t any explicit sex scenes so far yet (although I’m keeping my fingers crossed haha). But if you like a good romantic build-up with lots of strained conversation, teasing and sarcasm and a love-hate relationship then this is the book for you. There’s chemistry, fighting, sarcasm, an archer who can disappear into mist, magic, tech, shape-shifters. You name it, it’s likely to be found in this series. Overall a great adult urban fantasy that I highly suggest. It is addicting and will keep you entertained throughout.

My rating: 4/5

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

June Wrap-Up (The one with the Reading Slump)

I think I'm in a mid-year slump at the moment. I've picked up multiple books in the last month and just couldn't get into them for whatever reason. I'm about 40 pages into 3 books right now :(  So this month all I managed to read was 1 novel and 1 graphic novel, which was pretty disappointing after last month.


   Magic Burns (Kate Daniels, #2) In Real Life

Both these books were awesome! So even though I didn't read much, they were both 5 star reads. Magic Burns is the second book in the Kate Daniels series and was even better than the first book, and I can't wait to get started on the rest in the series. In Real Life, was an interesting read, that had a lot of interesting messages, mixed into a brightly illustrated graphic about a female girl-gamer.

Up Next In July

I'm feeling quite uninspired lately so I don't really have an idea of what I want to read this month. I would love some suggestions. Especially if there was a book that helped you get out of a reading slump.

In July I'm also participating in a giveaway as part of Stuckinbooks, blog hop for July, with the theme of books you couldn't put down. So if you're into winning free books, you should give it a go and enter :)    

Other Favourites

Orange is the New Black is my TV pick of the month. Every day off I've had, I've ended up marathoning multiple episodes....hmm maybe that's why I haven't read as much this past month haha. I didn't know what to expect going into the show, the trailers looked funny, but I guess I wasn't expecting so much heart and warmth from a show about prisoners.

When I was a teen I held a torch for Panic! At The Disco. They are still one of my favorite bands from back in my 'emo' days. Their new album, To weird to Live, To Rare to Die! has some great tracks. Still not my favorite album of theirs but worth a listen if your into that kind of music.

What books did You read in the Month of June?  Which was your favorite? 

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