Thursday, 14 May 2015

What's Next? (4)

What's Next? Hosted by IceyBooks

What's Next? Is a cute little weekly feature hosted by IceyBooks, where you can get readers to help you decide what you should read next from your TBR.

Readers can rank the books, or just give their opinion on which was their favorite. If you want to join in head over to IceyBooks and link up your post :)

So I intend on participating in this feature monthly (rather than weekly) and posting 3-5 books at the start of the month which I'm interested in reading next. Instead of posting a synopsis, I'm  going to post the first sentence of each book as a teaser, and see which ones you guys vote for. You can also click the book which links back to the Goodreads synopsis. 

This Month

Paper Towns

"The way I figure it, everyone get's a miracle.Like, I will probably never be struck by lightening, or win a Nobel prize, or become a dictator of a small nation in the Pacific Islands, or contract terminal ear cancer, or spontaneously combust."
- John Green (Paper Towns)

Lola and the Boy Next Door (Anna and the French Kiss, #2)

"I have three simple wishes. They're really not too much to ask.
The first is to attend the winter formal dressed as Marie Antoinette. "
- Stephanie Perkins (Lola and The Boy Next Door)

Crash into You (Pushing the Limits, #3)

"Eleven Years, Two Months, Seven Days.
The last time I had physical contact with a blood relative."
- Katie McGarry (Crash Into You)

From the first lines of each book (or based on if you enjoyed them) which book should I read next?


  1. Crash Into You sounds interesting! I have read Lola and the Boy Next Door, and it's pretty good, but I prefer Anna and the French Kiss

    1. I loved Anna and the French Kiss! I think that's most peoples favorite out of her novels haha Crash into You does sound pretty tempting and I feel like I need to keep going with the series since I'm getting pretty behind in it.
      Thanks for stopping by :)


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