Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Book Blogger Hop (3)

Q: Do you think you will ever read every book on your TBR stack?

Honestly, No. As of today I currently have 767 books on my TBR shelf on Goodreads. Even if I read on average 50 books a year it would take me 15 years to read every book currently on my TBR, and that would be without adding new books, which I am a sucker for doing.
Also I frequently take books off my TBR, usually because I've added them hastily and then upon closer inspection I decided its not really for me.
Do you want to join in the book blogger hop? More info can be found here @ Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted writer

So what about you? Do you think you'll ever finish every book on your TBR? How long would it take you if you did?


  1. I have more than 500 books on my to-read list and I don't think I'll ever read them all.. it makes me really sad, because there's so many amazing books out there. Every year there are tons of new interesting books coming out, so I know that even in 10 or 20 years from now I'll still love to read and that makes me happy :) even if I won't read those books on my to-read list, I'll always keep finding new favorite books.

    1. You have such a great outlook :) I agree, even though its sad that I may not get to books on my TBR, there are so many amazing authors and books out there that I will never be short of a potentially new favorite book.

  2. That's a huge number. I have always ignored the numbers on my goodreads shelf. They give me stress.
    My Answer

    1. Haha I know what you mean. I look and see these large numbers, with new books added daily and it gives me heart palpitations. But it also makes me excited to know that there are that many books I still have to look forward to and that many worlds I can still get lost in :)

  3. I don't think I'll ever finish my TBR pile, because even though I'm reading a ton, I'm also adding on the list almost everyday! I don't mind having a really HUGE TBR, but I do post a list of books at the beginning of the month, because I HAVE to read those ones for the month. If I didn't do that my reading would be so scattered, and I would always forget about review books, or ebooks!


    1. I have trouble with setting myself particular books at the start of the month. I feel to restricted if I do that lol I tend to just read what I feel like, granted though I don't usually have review books which I've made a commitment too. Although I do tend to neglect my ebooks, haha so maybe it's not such a bad idea. Thanks for stopping by :)


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