Saturday, 10 May 2014

If We Were Having Coffee #1

I have no idea who originally created this post, but I saw one on Book Nerd Canada's blog a little while back and thought it was a great idea to let readers updated on my life...only if they're interested :)

If we were having coffee... I’d tell you that my parents recently separated and even though I’m all grown up and moved out, it’s still really hard to deal with. Sometimes I feel like I’m being pulled by each of them in separate directions. 

If we were having coffee... I’d tell you that I am so over University assignments and exams. This will be my 5th year of study and my 2nd degree and I’m over being a student and wish I hadn't wasted 3 years of my life doing something I didn't enjoy. But now that I have found my dream career I just want to be working full-time.

If we were having coffee... I’d tell you that I’m sorry for being so bad at posting reviews the last couple months. Between studying full-time, working part-time, and raising money for my volunteering I have little to no time for the little things I love to do, like checking out my fellow bloggers reviews, hauls and posts.

If we were having coffee... I’d tell you that in December I am jet-setting off along with some of my lecturers and class mates to Tonga as a vet nurse volunteer with SPAW (South Pacific Animal Welfare). I feel so privileged to have such an amazing opportunity. 

If we were having coffee, what would you tell me about your life at the moment?

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